Posts Tagged ‘Liam’


dream – Louboutins, teen soldiers & cinema screens.

January 23, 2010

I was with my school friends including Liam and Nick White, as well as my mother.  I remember seeing a pair of Louboutin stilettos on my mother’s bed which were black suede / velvet with red soles, and angled awkwardly at the heels.  It turned out that I was in some sort of travelling military troop, who had to attack evil teenage girls and women who looked innocent but had deathly fighting skills.

On a night off, we’d ended up going to Liam’s house for dinner.  For some reason, I wasn’t quite confident of my friendships with Liam and Nick, and I felt suspicious of them.  Liam was upstairs getting changed, while Nick was sat next to me in the foyer of his house waiting so that we could then go and have dinner. Nick was suspicious of me, and things that I kept saying to make fun of how long Liam was taking were taken the wrong way, and I’d text Liam to hurry up as I wasn’t happy.  Eventually he came downstairs and we went for dinner in a neighbouring room in Liam’s house, with soft blue chairs.  My mother was there, as was another boy from my school called Adam (whom I didn’t much like either).  We ate food, and luckily my mum was really nice to me whereas most of the others annoyed me, and we kept stealing each others’ seats.  At odd moments, Liam pretended to be asleep, and then there was a giant cinema screen in the corner of his house, and he pretended to believe that it wasn’t a screen but a window looking through to the scene being displayed (a sort of tropical paradise scenery with changing, vibrant colours for a sky).  I wasn’t 100% sure he was pretending, as his acting was so convincing, but Nick told me not to be so stupid and insult Liam’s intelligence.

After that, as part of our troop there were some of the nurses with whom I work in real life at the hospital. We were doing a training exercise on how to stalk, fight and kill some of the evil fighting women, in the setting of somewhere which was a cross between a castle and a garden.  At first, there were just dark grey brick walls, from behind which women and teenage girls would approach me.  At first I didn’t believe they could be deadly, but that was my mistake and suddenly they would lunge for me, their teeth and faces would twist and contort and become all jagged, and I would have to punch them, attack them and kill them with my machine gun.  I was dressed in camouflage military uniform, and at the side of my vision, suddenly there was a screen with different icons.  Every time I killed one of these women, an icon with a tough-looking dark-skinned male face with a tough expression would spin from the side of the icons screen and i would acquire more points – in other words, my quest had become a video game!  After a few kills, the settings became a little more elaborate: I approached two glass doors on the outside of a patio, from which two teenage girls placidly appeared; there was a grey brick turret which looked as if it were going to shoot something straight up, when a woman lunged from behind it.  One of the nurses helping train me, whose name is Sally in real life, gave me some good hints for not falling for the evil women’s traps and keeping my mind solely on killing them.  I racked up a lot of points and a lot of soldier-icons, and that was, as far as I can remember, the end of the dream!



July 11, 2009

Okay, I’ve literally just woken up and I have to write this all down before I forget it. Last night I had this epic dream which has stayed with me as I’ve woken up, so I wanted to get it all recorded for my own interest as well as so that you can analyse it and see how much of a freak I am, haha.

Basically, my friend from uni Aiman was getting married (this is happening in real life next month, I need to get the train tickets to Wolverhampton and back any day now) so my dad had driven me to this random town where the wedding was happening.  It transpired that I was there for the wedding rehearsal, but before I went to the rehearsal, me and my father ended up in a massive dvd shop.  After browsing quite a few of the titles, I remember going to the bargain section and picking up some sort of Street Fighter dvd.  The cover was a brown brick background, with a picture of Ryu looking fierce in the foreground.  Anyways, I took the dvd to the counter to find out how much it was, and the shop assistant told me £19.99.  I was quite miffed because that obviously wasn’t a bargain, so I went and put the dvd back.  For some reason (I don’t know what provoked me, but then this is a dream so logic basically flies out of the window) I started comparing the barcodes of the Street Fighter dvds and realised that the one I had picked up was different to others with the same cover.  So I took another one of the dvds over to the cashier and enquired about that price.  Of course, that one turned out to be £7.99, so much more of a bargain.

I don’t remember if I ended up purchasing the dvd, and I don’t remember where my dad went, but I ended up talking to the shop assistant for ages.  He was the same age as me, his name was Robbie, he had slightly unkempt blonde hair, he looked kinda indie-ish (not really my type under normal circumstances) and was a really funny, nice guy.  So we were chatting, and we ended up leaving the shop and walking for a while, getting to know one another, and the situation started to become more and more romantic.  But obviously I had this wedding rehearsal to go to!  So I don’t know what I told Robbie, but I rushed to the rehearsal where I was apparently late-but-not-too-late, and my group of university friends including Nana, Andrew, Daria (wearing very interesting white knee-length pvc killer heel boots!!!!  Which is something Daria would never ever wear in a million years) were in a circle waiting for me.  We chatted for a while, Aiman came over (at first she was in normal dress, but I presume she got changed for wedding things later on.. I never saw…) and said hello.  Then I snuck away from my friends for a while and went down this stone staircase at the end of the church garden, and found Robbie standing waiting for me (not sure if he was smoking a cigarette or just waiting for me).

I don’t know if we had pre-arranged to meet, but we ended up talking for a while, and it was clear that we were falling in love (hey! I move quickly if I know what I want, and what I want includes discounted dvds) because we ended up kissing (this was to be a chaste dream) for ages, and talking some more.  I think we may have mentioned eloping, who knows.  After talking for enough time, I remembered that I was not there to find the love of my life, but because one of my friends was having her wedding rehearsal and I had better go back.  So we parted, he was going to wait for me there at the stone staircase, and I ran back to the church where my friends was the tail end of a procession which had nearly filed inside.  I was just in time, and tagged onto the end of the queue where Nana raised her eyebrow at me and asked me where I had been.

And that is all I remember about this dream because my mother woke me up to ask my plans for the day before she went to work!!!  Such a shame, I’ve not remembered a dream so vividly in a little while now (I usually remember 1-2 a week on average, but lately they’ve been lacking in creativity – no holidays with Ciara, no being abandoned at the bus stop, no cannibal children, no exercise dvds with Beyoncé). But I drifted back off to sleep for another hour and I had another dream where I was at school in this cloakroom with one of my close friends of the time, Liam.  I had acquired, for some reason, this massive French dictionary (like a ridiculous size, bigger than the ones they had in Oxford university library) and was wondering where to put it, since I obviously couldn’t cart it around with me.  I think between me and Liam, we decided to leave it directly on the table in front of me (clearly, our intelligence had yet to blossom in this dream) and then we went to some sort of concert in this giant auditorium.  There was a world theme, and I remember being sat for a long while watching mediocre acts and not paying any attention.

Then suddenly, the music from Shakira’s “Ojos Así” began to play, and a Hindi woman stood up and began to sing and dance a traditional-looking dance (I wouldn’t really know though, so I don’t claim to).  There was murmuring, and Liam told me that the favourite to win the competition was this song, with a guy called “Menacing Louie” who drank a ridiculous amount during his performances.  And lo and behold, this hobo-looking man stood up on the right-hand side of the stage, a complete contrast to the Hindi woman dancing delicately and in a manner more befitting of the song.  And my dream zoomed in close up on Menacing Louie’s face as he raised a bottle of cola (obviously laced with goodness knows what alcohol, I could practically smell it coming off him despite being sat in the audience!) and drowned his mouth, tongue and throat with it, staining them a brownish colour (nice.).  I was quite unimpressed.

Then next, a murmuring began to rise amidst the crowd scandalised by Menacing Louie’s performance.  The sounds of Lady GaGa’s “Poker Face” began to reverberate through the auditorium, and my friends started to chatter excitedly among themselves.  I remember feeling “alone in a crowd” and this is the miraculous thing.  Although this was apparently a separate dream to the wedding rehearsal dream, I remembered Robbie, and I missed him and wished he were there with me.  So obviously, we were still together in this dream, and it was ‘love’.  Or dream love, anyway.  Anyways, Lady GaGa appeared on the stage and did a medley of “Poker Face” and “Again Again”, it was fine, and I think that must have been it because I woke up and went straight to the laptop and typed this now-epic entry out.  Oops, I did it again!  I suppose the last couple have been more succinct though 😉

The most remarkable thing to me, more remarkable than being best friends with Ciara and going on holiday together, more remarkable than Beyoncé inviting me up on stage, was that I seemed to find true love (overnight, literally! Haha!) in this dream, and the memory and the feeling of it stayed with me.  I’m almost sad to be awake because I remember exactly what Robbie was like, and though he wasn’t my usual type (indie isn’t my typical) I remember how well we got on and how much feelings I had for him, and feeling that that was reciprocated.  After the last brief relationship I had, which ended in disaster, I began to think that maybe love just wasn’t for me, but it’s reassuring that I have the capacity to give love and receive it in return, even if it’s just a dream – I was still “me”. I guess it’s because I’ve been talking to someone online and it’s been a much more impressive conversation than usual, we were up until 2am talking about silly things and deep things and everything in between; perhaps Robbie was a manifestation of the best case scenario of what this person might be like.  Of course, I try to remain realistic about these things, and usually the reality is a disappointment, but I live in hope.  After all, we can but dream!